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Our Spaces

We have a number of work and relaxation spaces at Macaulay College, meaning we can offer a wide range of activities from cooking and baking, to woodwork and animal care.

The main College building, originally funded by the NHS in 2010, houses a number of spaces including our kitchen and dining room, office and relaxation space. Then dotted around the farm we have our barn and timber buildings, along with polytunnels, a polycrub, animal housing and shelters.

There is wheelchair access to some parts of the college including the kitchen and barn (where many of our workshops take place) and to some parts of the farm but most areas are uneven and often muddy! We are working to improve this so all of our team can be included in all aspects of our work.


Our new building will be ready in the summer and will house a Changing Places toilet with fully accessible facilities throughout

Kitchen and Dinning Room

This is where our beautiful jams and chutneys are created as well as the amazing birthday cakes we make to celebrate everybody’s birthdays. We also regularly make soups from produce grown on the farm. The students are involved in all aspects of these activities. We can use these spaces for art and crafts, too, and it's also where we make and eat lunch and take our tea breaks, a real hub for the farm!

Chill Out Room

Sometimes we all need a bit of quiet.  This space allows students to have some quiet time, whether its yoga practice, listening to music, watching the tv, doing some art and craft or having a bit of time with our corn snake Mozart.  We also have a beautiful coffee table fish tank that bubbles away tranquilly. 

The Barn

Within the barn we have workshop areas where we create our bespoke bird houses, our chopping boards, our pyrography art and craft work and our copper decorations. As well as a break area, we store equipment and animal feed here and also process our eggs which go for sale at our Honesty Box.

Timber Buildings

These buildings house animal care areas, feed stores, a gym and break space.  It allows students and visitors to be up close to the animals in a comfortable and sheltered setting.  Ideal during lambing and farrowing time and if you wish to spend time with Jimmy, Betty and Solas, our donkeys and Eriskay pony.  

Polytunnels and Veggie Plots

Here we grow an extensive range of fruit and vegetables.  The students are involved in all aspects of the growing process; from planting to harvesting.  We then use this produce to create our jams, chutneys and the soups we enjoy on a cold farm day. 

Accessible Toilet

Monday to Friday 
9am - 3.15pm
01851 700987

Located 400m up the farm track, past the yellow timber building and next to the blue timber building.


Funded by NHS Western Isles &

SLCF/Third Sector Hebrides

© Macaulay College CIC, Company No: SC380232

01851 700987 | 07754 364519

Macaulay Farm, Lochs Road, Isle of Lewis, HS2 9JN

Accessible Toilet open 

Mon - Fri

9 - 3.15

01851 700987

For more info see Our Spaces

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Macaulay College is committed to Fair Work First Principles including paying the real living wage, supporting an inclusive workplace and engaging transparently with our staff and community.  Macaulay College operates open channels of communication providing effective voice individually and collectively.

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