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Remembering Together
Na h-Eileanan Siar

Community Covid Memorials
for the Western Isles

Remembering Together - Na h-Eileanan Siar, is part of a Scotland-wide project to co-create memorials to the Covid pandemic with communities.


Lewis-based artist Robbie Thomson has lead the project, alongside Sorcha Monk, Jon Macleod, Sandra Kennedy, Sheena Beatona and team of artists, musicians and workshop providers to deliver a series of arts events, gigs and community gatherings. The project was funded by Scottish Government and delivered by Greenspace Scotland, Macaulay College are the local partners for the Western Isles.


Key outcomes from the project included a group of large scale steel and fire sculptures which were lit on beaches around the Western Isles and an album of orignal songs that was released in September 2024.



Barra pipers - credit Lisa MacNeil.jpeg

Next to You

Album Commission

with Alastair Caplin, Josie Duncan, Scott C Park and Willie Campbell


Phase 1


Laying the groundwork for the project and presenting our findings

Lewis Community Day 6 - credit Danielle Macleod.jpg

Community Days

Gatherings and Sculptures

On beaches in Benbecula, Barra and Lewis

Calling All Artists April 2022 Remembering Together.jpeg



Information about the project and commissioning the lead artist




Delivering workshops to communities and organisations around the Western Isles 

© Macaulay College CIC, Company No: SC380232


01851 700987 | 07754 364519

Macaulay Farm, Lochs Road, Isle of Lewis, HS2 9JN

Accessible Toilet open 

Mon - Fri

9 - 3.15

01851 700987

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